Usable surface detection on top-view camera data using automatic ground truth generation for binary semantic segmentation

Published in None, 2020

Group Project in Systems, Control and Mechatronics

This project aimed to solve the problem to detect drivable areas of a factory floor, using a workflow consisting of background subtraction to generate a ground truth, that is then used to train a neural network.
The output could potentially be used as a mapping for which a scheduler or robot control system could work upon to avoid collisions and problems with dynamic obstacles.

Content for this publicationLink
Link to the final paperFinal report
Link to the fair posterPoster
Link to the video with potential drawbacksVideo

Technologies used: Intel Realsense Camera, OpenCV, GrabCut, PyTorch
Publication: Download the final publication here!
Presentation/Demonstration: Link to the corresponding presentation

Recommended citation:
Rauh, Lukas. (2020). Usable surface detection on top-view camera data. (MPSYS Design projects 2019/2020, Chalmers University of Technology, Gotheburg, Sweden)